My aim in creating any picture, whether it be a landscape, a study, an illustration or a portrait, is to try to capture the energy and physical presence of the natural world.

The world constantly changes. A child's face can suddenly light up with recognition or break into a smile. An animal turns its gaze towards you, eyes make a connection with yours. Weather and seasons completely alter the landscape. Sparkling sunshine or dramatic storms can be equally beautiful and fascinating. A bud unfurls into a flower, the flower fades, leaving a seedhead full of the potential for new life.

I make pictures of all aspects of the natural world, and also accept commissions for portraits of people and animals, landscapes and archaeological illustrations. I work in a variety of media, including pencil, graphite, charcoal, pastel, pen, watercolour, acrylic, oils and print, and sometimes in a mixture of any of these. I like to exploit the natural flow and characteristics of the materials used, and work on a scale suited to the particular work being done, from small A5 pencil or pen studies to large canvasses painted in acrylics, oils or mixed media, and large-scale murals.